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4 Ways Pet Owners Can Maintain Their HVAC Systems in Frisco, TX

HVAC System Maintenance in Frisco, TX

While pets make great additions to the family, they come with an abundance of allergens that can harm your air quality and your HVAC system. Fortunately, there are some steps that Frisco, TX homeowners can take to air in HVAC system maintenance while caring for their pets.

1. Frequently Change Your HVAC Filters

Generally, the more pets you have, the faster your air filters will fill up with debris. A clogged filter won’t be able to effectively remove pollutants and may restrict the airflow moving into your HVAC system. Switching out your filter every 30 to 90 days will stop dust, pet allergens and more from causing internal issues that require repairs.

2. Opt for Better Filters

All HVAC filters come with a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating. This measures the filter’s efficiency in pulling certain pollutants from your air. For better indoor air quality, you may want to opt for filters with MERV ratings above eight. However, air filters with higher MERV ratings can restrict airflow, so  you should check with a professional before purchasing them.

3. Regularly Clean and Vacuum

Keeping your home clean will significantly decrease the allergens that reach your filter, reducing the strain on your HVAC system. Minimize the lingering pet hair and dander in your home by vacuuming at least once a week. You should also routinely shake out your rugs and wash your upholstery.

4. Protect Outdoor System

If you have a pet that spends time outside, be sure to add extra protection to your outdoor condenser. Build a barrier around the system to prevent it from sucking in excess pet hair. A fence is a good way to deter pets from lingering around the system or causing damage to the wires.

Having pets is a joy, but the pets you love can wreak havoc on your HVAC system. Call All Service Heating & Air today to schedule HVAC system maintenance in Frisco, TX to keep you and your pets comfortable all year long.

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